Hi there,

I'm trying to flip my datasheet to that the top answer is the bottom answer. The datasheet has a variable "respondentid" which is the last person to complete to the first person to complete. So, I thought "sort respondentid" would flip the datasheet but it seems to affect the data in other variables too? For example look how it changes my age responses? The one prior to sorting is the correct ones:
----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double respondentid str8 childsage
12045945006 "3" 
12045548193 "7" 
12042524824 "16"
12033262991 "16"
12024769822 "6" 
12012655474 "6" 
12010474850 "6" 
12008334572 "1" 
12007008928 "3" 
12003988752 "9" 
12003928337 "7" 
11993083730 "13"
11992560388 "7" 
11985299857 "11"
11980278885 "8" 
11971649755 "4" 
11965056891 "6" 
11964343894 "1" 
11958870742 "10"
11958870087 "4" 
11958793425 "6" 
11958154463 "14"
11957020152 "6" 
11954997303 "6" 
11954201617 "14"
11953833763 "9" 
11953227400 "15"
11952049934 "5" 
11951378445 "3" 
11951321566 "4" 
11951283735 "7" 
11946528554 "3" 
11946503737 "1" 
11945990714 "12"
11944481723 "13"
11944434441 "15"
11942119530 "1" 
11926492862 "5" 
11926407490 "3" 
11923229055 "9" 
11916539051 "16"
11916505684 "15"
11915809743 "11"
11910251080 "2" 
11904205592 "2" 
11868743521 "7" 
11865518958 "5" 
11863732442 "11"
11863640097 "3" 
11861226674 "15"
11861046773 "2" 
11858765747 "4" 
11855731913 "1" 
11851914656 "4" 
11850008665 "16"
11849100238 "6" 
11847627050 "1" 
11841956514 "2" 
11839428668 "9" 
11836925524 "3" 
11834650071 "10"
11830653258 "14"
11829912179 "13"
11829200577 "3" 
11828339445 "10"
11827378989 "1" 
11824300319 "12"
11819231117 "4" 
11819037040 "4" 
11818480227 "13"
11818055511 "4" 
11817016286 "1" 
11816801592 "4" 
11816648070 "5" 
11816377435 "1" 
11815125056 "7" 
11814705769 "5" 
11814521791 "6" 
11813334850 "9" 
11812983508 "12"
11769061363 "4" 
11768717901 "16"
11762648130 "1" 
11761828055 "11"
11761224605 "9" 
11760345006 "7" 
11759638013 "16"
11758943634 "2" 
11758932091 "12"
11758912864 "6" 
11758906416 "12"
11758123734 "4" 
11756836384 "1" 
11756796810 "1" 
11756541575 "8" 
11755983223 "1" 
11754994497 "11"
11754928657 "13"
11753333395 "4" 
11753244094 "3" 
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

Listed 100 out of 112 observations
Use the count() option to list more

. sort respondentid

. dataex respondentid childsage

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double respondentid str8 childsage
11751057639 "1" 
11751070970 "8" 
11751081983 "1" 
11751105882 "4" 
11751220729 "4" 
11751430221 "6" 
11751689311 "1" 
11751767747 "1" 
11751939224 "2" 
11752100407 "14"
11753223109 "3" 
11753243788 "2" 
11753244094 "3" 
11753333395 "4" 
11754928657 "13"
11754994497 "11"
11755983223 "1" 
11756541575 "8" 
11756796810 "1" 
11756836384 "1" 
11758123734 "4" 
11758906416 "12"
11758912864 "6" 
11758932091 "12"
11758943634 "2" 
11759638013 "16"
11760345006 "7" 
11761224605 "9" 
11761828055 "11"
11762648130 "1" 
11768717901 "16"
11769061363 "4" 
11812983508 "12"
11813334850 "9" 
11814521791 "6" 
11814705769 "5" 
11815125056 "7" 
11816377435 "1" 
11816648070 "5" 
11816801592 "4" 
11817016286 "1" 
11818055511 "4" 
11818480227 "13"
11819037040 "4" 
11819231117 "4" 
11824300319 "12"
11827378989 "1" 
11828339445 "10"
11829200577 "3" 
11829912179 "13"
11830653258 "14"
11834650071 "10"
11836925524 "3" 
11839428668 "9" 
11841956514 "2" 
11847627050 "1" 
11849100238 "6" 
11850008665 "16"
11851914656 "4" 
11855731913 "1" 
11858765747 "4" 
11861046773 "2" 
11861226674 "15"
11863640097 "3" 
11863732442 "11"
11865518958 "5" 
11868743521 "7" 
11904205592 "2" 
11910251080 "2" 
11915809743 "11"
11916505684 "15"
11916539051 "16"
11923229055 "9" 
11926407490 "3" 
11926492862 "5" 
11942119530 "1" 
11944434441 "15"
11944481723 "13"
11945990714 "12"
11946503737 "1" 
11946528554 "3" 
11951283735 "7" 
11951321566 "4" 
11951378445 "3" 
11952049934 "5" 
11953227400 "15"
11953833763 "9" 
11954201617 "14"
11954997303 "6" 
11957020152 "6" 
11958154463 "14"
11958793425 "6" 
11958870087 "4" 
11958870742 "10"
11964343894 "1" 
11965056891 "6" 
11971649755 "4" 
11980278885 "8" 
11985299857 "11"
11992560388 "7" 
Any reason why this might be? I tried the same thing but this time creating another variable "participantno" and the same thing happened:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float participantno str8 childsage
112 "3" 
111 "7" 
110 "16"
109 "16"
108 "6" 
107 "6" 
106 "6" 
105 "1" 
104 "3" 
103 "9" 
102 "7" 
101 "13"
100 "7" 
 99 "11"
 98 "8" 
 97 "4" 
 96 "6" 
 95 "1" 
 94 "10"
 93 "4" 
 92 "6" 
 91 "14"
 90 "6" 
 89 "6" 
 88 "14"
 87 "9" 
 86 "15"
 85 "5" 
 84 "3" 
 83 "4" 
 82 "7" 
 81 "3" 
 80 "1" 
 79 "12"
 78 "13"
 77 "15"
 76 "1" 
 75 "5" 
 74 "3" 
 73 "9" 
 72 "16"
 71 "15"
 70 "11"
 69 "2" 
 68 "2" 
 67 "7" 
 66 "5" 
 65 "11"
 64 "3" 
 63 "15"
 62 "2" 
 61 "4" 
 60 "1" 
 59 "4" 
 58 "16"
 57 "6" 
 56 "1" 
 55 "2" 
 54 "9" 
 53 "3" 
 52 "10"
 51 "14"
 50 "13"
 49 "3" 
 48 "10"
 47 "1" 
 46 "12"
 45 "4" 
 44 "4" 
 43 "13"
 42 "4" 
 41 "1" 
 40 "4" 
 39 "5" 
 38 "1" 
 37 "7" 
 36 "5" 
 35 "6" 
 34 "9" 
 33 "12"
 32 "4" 
 31 "16"
 30 "1" 
 29 "11"
 28 "9" 
 27 "7" 
 26 "16"
 25 "2" 
 24 "12"
 23 "6" 
 22 "12"
 21 "4" 
 20 "1" 
 19 "1" 
 18 "8" 
 17 "1" 
 16 "11"
 15 "13"
 14 "4" 
 13 "3" 
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

Listed 100 out of 112 observations
Use the count() option to list more

. sort participantno

. dataex participantno childsage

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float participantno str8 childsage
  1 "1" 
  2 "8" 
  3 "1" 
  4 "4" 
  5 "4" 
  6 "6" 
  7 "1" 
  8 "1" 
  9 "2" 
 10 "14"
 11 "3" 
 12 "2" 
 13 "3" 
 14 "4" 
 15 "13"
 16 "11"
 17 "1" 
 18 "8" 
 19 "1" 
 20 "1" 
 21 "4" 
 22 "12"
 23 "6" 
 24 "12"
 25 "2" 
 26 "16"
 27 "7" 
 28 "9" 
 29 "11"
 30 "1" 
 31 "16"
 32 "4" 
 33 "12"
 34 "9" 
 35 "6" 
 36 "5" 
 37 "7" 
 38 "1" 
 39 "5" 
 40 "4" 
 41 "1" 
 42 "4" 
 43 "13"
 44 "4" 
 45 "4" 
 46 "12"
 47 "1" 
 48 "10"
 49 "3" 
 50 "13"
 51 "14"
 52 "10"
 53 "3" 
 54 "9" 
 55 "2" 
 56 "1" 
 57 "6" 
 58 "16"
 59 "4" 
 60 "1" 
 61 "4" 
 62 "2" 
 63 "15"
 64 "3" 
 65 "11"
 66 "5" 
 67 "7" 
 68 "2" 
 69 "2" 
 70 "11"
 71 "15"
 72 "16"
 73 "9" 
 74 "3" 
 75 "5" 
 76 "1" 
 77 "15"
 78 "13"
 79 "12"
 80 "1" 
 81 "3" 
 82 "7" 
 83 "4" 
 84 "3" 
 85 "5" 
 86 "15"
 87 "9" 
 88 "14"
 89 "6" 
 90 "6" 
 91 "14"
 92 "6" 
 93 "4" 
 94 "10"
 95 "1" 
 96 "6" 
 97 "4" 
 98 "8" 
 99 "11"
100 "7" 
Any thoughts on how i can reverse the order of my datasheet without affecting it's variables? Thank you very much in advance