Hello everybody

I just have a general statistical question:
Raykovs reliability coefficients is by some considered more accurate than Cronbachs alpha when assesing the internal reliability of latent factors derived from confirmatory factor analysis. What is the most accurate measure of reliability to use in a exploratory factor analysis? All the research papers I have come across uses Cronbachs alpha, but this test-statistic assumes unidimensionality. Of course, one could view this test of internal reliability as appropriate after an EFA, since the variables can then be attributed to a single factor and thus unidimensionality can, in this sense, be assumed. But, is there a more accurate measure, which accounts for the fact that there is multiple latent factors present which also has potential relationships with one-another?

Or are there perspectives on Cronbach's alpha that makes it the most appropriate that I maybe don't understand yet?

Thanks in advance