Dear all,

I am trying to plot stacked bar charts using -catplot-. I would like to reduce the width of the bars (to half or even one-third). I tried using over(gender, gap(*5), while this does reduce the width of the bars, the distance between them is a bit much. Is there anyway I can reduce the width of the bars but still keep them relatively close? Any help will be appreciated.

Best regards,


ssc install catplot
input double gender float skip
1 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
0 1
1 1
0 0
label values gender hgender_lab
label def hgender_lab 0 "Male", modify
label def hgender_lab 1 "Female", modify
label values skip skip_axis
label def skip_axis 0 "No", modify
label def skip_axis 1 "Yes", modify
catplot skip, over(gender) percent(gender) asyvars stack ///
blabel(bar, size(3) position(center)orient(horiz) format(%4.1f)) ///
ytitle("Share of respondents (%)") ylabel (, nogrid) ///
bar(1, bcolor(ebblue)) bar(2, bcolor(cranberry)) legend(label(1 "No") label(2 "Yes")) /// 
title(" ") l1title("") graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)