I am running simple wage regressions to see if the classification of degrees affects the gender wage gap, with current code of:
reg lghourpay age agesq first uppersecond lowersecond third degree alevel married female Q2 Q3 Q4
Thank you!
Specialized on Data processing, Data management Implementation plan, Data Collection tools - electronic and paper base, Data cleaning specifications, Data extraction, Data transformation, Data load, Analytical Datasets, and Data analysis. BJ Data Tech Solutions teaches on design and developing Electronic Data Collection Tools using CSPro, and STATA commands for data manipulation. Setting up Data Management systems using modern data technologies such as Relational Databases, C#, PHP and Android.
reg lghourpay age agesq first uppersecond lowersecond third degree alevel married female Q2 Q3 Q4
0 Response to Heteroskedastic standard errors
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