I have a very simple dataset with three variables.
Each observation is the report of one of approx. 1000 ambulance accidents in one of three countries.
The variables are (accident_number, country and inhabitants_of_country).
So far, I collapsed the data, used the - cii means, poisson - command to get confidence intervals for the total number of accidents in a country, and divided it by the number of inhabitants of the country.
So I get an incidence rate, e.g. per 100'000 inhabitants with a 95% CI, that I can compare (see below).
gen accident_counter = 1 collapse (firstnm) inhabitants_of_country (sum) accident_counter, by(country ) // Get the incidence + 95% CI gen ci_poisson_lower = . gen ci_poisson_upper = . su country forval i = 1/`r(N)' { su accident_counter if _n == `i' cii means 1 `r(mean)' , poisson replace ci_poisson_upper = `r(ub)' in `i' replace ci_poisson_lower = `r(lb)' in `i' } replace ci_poisson_upper = round(ci_poisson_upper / inhabitants_of_country * 100000,.001) replace ci_poisson_lower = round(ci_poisson_lower / inhabitants_of_country * 100000, .001) gen incidence_per100000 = round(accident_counter / inhabitants_of_country * 100000, .001)
I wonder if I can calculate a p-value for the obtained incidences and 95% CI.
My first approach was to use the - poisson - command, but the results of the p-value are not compatible with the 95% CI.
poisson incidence_per100000 i.country , base irr
Thank you in advance!
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