I'm sure someone has posted about this on the forum before but I can't find the exact answer I'm looking for.
As you can see from my dataex example, I have a list of birthdates (birth_date) and a list of encounter dates (date). I am trying to create a variable that represents age at encounter.
1) I tried creating a new formatted birthdate variable by using: gen birthdate=date(birth_date,"MDY") but it turned all of the values to missing. when I tried "MD20Y" it messed up the 1990's dates (eg 2099 instead of 1999). When I tried "MDYY" all of the values are missing again. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
2) When I get the birthdate correctly formatted, is it correct to calculate age using: gen ageyears=int((date-birthdate)/365.25) ?
Thank you!
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str14 birth_date float date "6/29/66 0:00" 22098 "6/29/66 0:00" 21941 "8/12/09 0:00" 21798 "8/12/09 0:00" 22134 "8/12/09 0:00" 22036 "8/12/09 0:00" 21896 "1/17/96 0:00" 21802 "1/17/96 0:00" 22033 "4/24/91" 21966 "4/24/91" 22043 "4/24/91" 21875 "12/6/65" 22090 "12/6/65" 22083 "5/14/80 0:00" 21935 "8/5/50 0:00" 21852 "9/13/48 0:00" 22019 "9/13/48 0:00" 21984 "12/2/50" 22046 "12/2/50" 21927 "12/2/50" 22175 "4/8/75 0:00" 21928 "4/8/75 0:00" 22096 "4/17/50 0:00" 21808 "4/17/50 0:00" 21969 "4/17/50 0:00" 21871 "10/23/50 0:00" 21878 "8/19/62" 21892 "3/29/57 0:00" 21921 "3/29/57 0:00" 22124 "9/16/63" 21951 "9/16/63" 21980 "11/12/56" 21928 "8/15/61 0:00" 21816 "7/21/53 0:00" 21833 "7/21/53 0:00" 22085 "7/21/53 0:00" 21959 "9/15/99 0:00" 22111 "9/15/99 0:00" 22029 "9/15/99 0:00" 22015 "10/10/98 0:00" 21858 "10/10/98 0:00" 21874 "10/10/98 0:00" 22105 "10/10/98 0:00" 21986 "10/10/98 0:00" 21825 "3/12/92 0:00" 21836 "3/12/92 0:00" 21903 "3/12/92 0:00" 22173 "7/13/49 0:00" 21832 "7/13/49 0:00" 21847 "7/13/49 0:00" 21963 "7/13/49 0:00" 21840 "7/13/49 0:00" 21843 "8/5/98 0:00" 21963 "8/5/98 0:00" 22005 "11/27/59" 21910 "11/27/59" 22008 "8/27/84 0:00" 21936 "8/27/84 0:00" 22172 "11/23/88 0:00" 22131 "11/23/88 0:00" 21977 "11/8/56 0:00" 21832 "11/8/56 0:00" 22154 "6/29/47 0:00" 22110 "5/4/63 0:00" 21836 "5/4/63 0:00" 21928 "5/4/63 0:00" 21956 "5/4/63 0:00" 21893 "5/4/63 0:00" 21838 "5/4/63 0:00" 21830 "5/4/63 0:00" 21858 "5/4/63 0:00" 22061 "5/4/63 0:00" 21837 "8/2/42 0:00" 22057 "8/2/42 0:00" 21889 "7/27/94" 22111 "7/27/94" 21928 "1/5/41 0:00" 21998 "1/5/41 0:00" 22082 "1/5/41 0:00" 21812 "11/10/08 0:00" 22095 "11/10/08 0:00" 21998 "11/10/08 0:00" 21802 "3/30/58 0:00" 21899 "11/9/00 0:00" 22076 "12/2/89 0:00" 22154 "1/23/56 0:00" 21920 "1/3/61 0:00" 21931 "1/3/61 0:00" 21840 "1/23/56 0:00" 21955 "1/3/61 0:00" 22113 "1/3/61 0:00" 22029 "7/21/55" 21857 "2/13/74 0:00" 22109 "2/13/74 0:00" 22183 "2/13/74 0:00" 21949 "2/13/74 0:00" 21921 "2/8/10 0:00" 22039 "2/8/10 0:00" 21829 "4/18/55 0:00" 22035 "12/10/61 0:00" 22047 end format %td date
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