Hi all,

I am trying to create a new indicator variable based on whether an individual is in the top 5th percentile across age. Here is what I have so far - struggles to create new variable based on the minimum value stored a local 95th percentile.
Many thanks in advance for any help on this.

Kind regards,

local VARS height age bmi
local RACE2 white black other

foreach var of local VARS {
foreach race2 of local RACE2 {
summarize `var' if race2 == "`race2'", d
local p95 `r(p95)'
dis "for variable `var' & race2 == `race2'; p95 = `r(p95)', mean (SD) = `r(mean)' (`r(sd)')
foreach var of local VARS
gen `var'_group = 1 if `var' >= `p95' & `var' < .
replace `var'_group = 0 if `var' < `p95'