Hi, I would like to set constraints later use them in a program. Here is a small example:

sysuse auto, clear

regress price weight mpg

local indep "weight mpg"

local ind=1
foreach var of varlist `indep' {
constraint `ind' `var'=_b[`var']
local ++ind

What I get is

. constraint list
1: weight=_b[weight]
2: mpg=_b[mpg]

So, my question is why my constraints do not have numbers, representing regression coefficients on the right hand sides?

I also tried modification:

sysuse auto, clear

regress price weight mpg

local indep "weight mpg"

local ind=1
foreach var of varlist `indep' {
local b`var'=_b[`var']
constraint `ind' `var'=`bvar'
local ++ind

but then I get

. constraint list
1: weight=
2: mpg=

Again no numbers, just blanks.