Does anyone know how to collect the CIs computed by the exact method into a dataset for further formating? here is example dataset:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input long id int hlt double wgt 100 0 246.91855815263114 100 2 253.40245825609736 100 1 581.6193429527007 100 1 241.10152061718986 100 0 202.74312589708882 100 0 285.2769528727322 100 2 202.74312589708882 100 2 253.40245825609736 100 2 407.59866234831657 100 1 253.40245825609736 100 2 537.4439106971585 100 0 306.3069956176281 100 2 363.4232300927743 100 1 285.2769528727322 100 2 246.91855815263114 100 2 246.91855815263114 100 2 306.3069956176281 100 2 246.91855815263114 100 2 209.22702600055504 100 2 407.59866234831657 100 2 246.91855815263114 100 2 241.10152061718986 100 2 241.10152061718986 100 1 363.4232300927743 100 0 209.22702600055504 100 2 253.40245825609736 100 2 253.40245825609736 100 0 241.10152061718986 100 2 306.3069956176281 100 0 246.91855815263114 100 0 246.91855815263114 100 2 253.40245825609736 100 1 209.22702600055504 101 1 353.6111718108215 101 1 397.7866040663637 101 0 25.394287114217946 101 1 397.7866040663637 101 2 179.59049120643726 101 2 57.268781730852766 101 1 179.59049120643726 101 0 166.64968898683344 101 0 179.59049120643726 101 1 179.59049120643726 101 0 69.56971936976026 101 1 25.394287114217946 101 1 25.394287114217946 101 2 69.56971936976026 101 1 166.64968898683344 101 1 18.910387010751833 101 0 25.394287114217946 101 2 223.76592346197947 101 2 685.6758644999393 101 0 25.394287114217946 101 2 69.56971936976026 101 0 179.59049120643726 101 0 57.268781730852766 101 1 122.47425673129112 101 2 18.910387010751833 101 . 122.47425673129112 101 2 700 101 2 18.910387010751833 101 2 63.08581926629415 101 0 166.64968898683344 101 2 179.59049120643726 101 1 122.47425673129112 101 1 69.56971936976026 101 0 25.394287114217946 101 0 25.394287114217946 101 1 57.268781730852766 101 2 223.76592346197947 101 1 57.268781730852766 101 0 18.910387010751833 101 2 223.76592346197947 101 2 63.08581926629415 102 2 273.6191333880972 102 2 68.76359693686948 102 1 107.12199165697052 102 2 172.32746665740876 102 0 119.42292929587802 102 1 172.32746665740876 102 1 107.12199165697052 102 1 107.12199165697052 102 2 107.12199165697052 102 2 119.42292929587802 102 2 68.76359693686948 102 1 107.12199165697052 102 2 119.42292929587802 102 2 107.12199165697052 102 2 119.42292929587802 102 2 151.29742391251284 102 0 229.44370113255502 102 1 229.44370113255502 102 2 112.9390291924118 102 1 151.29742391251284 102 2 229.44370113255502 102 2 107.12199165697052 102 1 112.9390291924118 102 0 119.42292929587802 102 2 112.9390291924118 102 2 447.63981399248144 end label values hlt hlt label def hlt 0 "good", modify label def hlt 1 "better", modify label def hlt 2 "best", modify proportion hlt [pweight = wgt], over(id) citype(exact) parmest, format(estimate min95 max95 %8.2f p %8.1e) list(,)
. proportion hlt [pweight = wgt], over(id) citype(exact)
Proportion estimation Number of obs = 99
Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
good 100 .2112814 .0693153 .0892338 .388139
good 101 .163164 .0634542 .0655584 .3139537
good 102 .1206884 .0696609 .0268851 .308202
better 100 .2058157 .0790558 .0855425 .3819908
better 101 .3674686 .1088131 .2208986 .5344534
better 102 .2820754 .0934417 .1247649 .4913862
best 100 .5829029 .0901968 .3989938 .7513526
best 101 .4693675 .1192992 .3100112 .6334286
best 102 .5972362 .1059595 .3883384 .7831272
parmest, format(estimate min95 max95 %8.2f p %8.1e) list(,) parm estimate stderr dof t p min95 max95 1. 0.21 .06931535 98 3.0481186 3.0e 03 0.07 0.35 2. 0.16 .06345415 98 2.571368 1.2e 02 0.04 0.29 3. 0.12 .06966087 98 1.732514 8.6e 02 -0.02 0.26 4. 0.21 .07905583 98 2.6034227 1.1e 02 0.05 0.36 5. 0.37 .1088131 98 3.3770619 1.1e 03 0.15 0.58 6. 0.28 .0934417 98 3.0187312 3.2e 03 0.10 0.47 7. 0.58 .09019681 98 6.4625664 4.0e 09 0.40 0.76 8. 0.47 .11929918 98 3.934373 1.6e 04 0.23 0.71 9. 0.60 .10595946 98 5.6364593 1.7e 07 0.39 0.81
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