unexpected end of file
You used infile with a dictionary, and the file containing the
dictionary ended before the `}' character. Perhaps you forgot
to type the closing brace, or perhaps you are missing a hard
return at the end of your file. You may also get this message
if you issued the command #delimit ; in a do-file and then
subsequently forgot to use `;' before the `end' statement.
You used infile with a dictionary, and the file containing the
dictionary ended before the `}' character. Perhaps you forgot
to type the closing brace, or perhaps you are missing a hard
return at the end of your file. You may also get this message
if you issued the command #delimit ; in a do-file and then
subsequently forgot to use `;' before the `end' statement.
local main_wd = "C:\Users\data\LIONS_data\LIONS_data_2020" cd "`main_wd'" local files: dir . files "gs_event*" foreach f of local files{ #delim; infix str district 1-10 str caseid 11-20 str court_hist_id 21-30 str id 31-40 str type_event 41-44 str action 45-46 str event_date 47-57 str sched_date 58-68 str sched_time 69-79 str sched_loc 80-279 str staffid 280-289 str judgeid 290-299 str create_date 324-334 str update_date 365-375 using `f'; }
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