Hi I’m grad student on Economics but basically I’m an idiot if it comes to econometrics software or coding languages. I was about to use the command 'sspace' to obtain Kalman filtered estimates of parameters related to Natural Rate of Interest (thus using a state-space model). But just wondering whether estimates from the command "dsge" might be a good alternative if I want to obtain such estimators.

Basically what I wanted was the application of the conventional procedures but using data of some other countries than what earlier literature did. Just doing it as a personal practice now. The conventional procedures are presented by some papers such as Laubach and Williams (2003), Holston, Laubach, and Williams(2017) or so. (of which the papers and R-codes can be found at https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/policy/rstar )

But before doing that, I briefly read the official reference manual of STATA17 on its dsge command for the other personal econometrics practices and they mention that “The solution to a DSGE model thus takes the form of a state-space model” in the intro (page5). And the equations in the intro is basically looks alright for my purpose. But I want to make sure if it is okay to use STATA’s dsge command for this purpose. If there’s any issue, would adding several extra lines of commands to adjust the structure of the model. (https://www.stata.com/manuals/dsge.pdf )

I could have used the R codes given that the codes are provided online, and probably I'll do it too anyway to compare the results just to see whether I made any mistake. Simply trying this first because I'm more familiar with STATA so if I think I will use such codes more often if there’s no problem for my purpose and not really trained in applied time series analyses and their coding other than VAR models.