I'm a medical student and brand new to Stata.
To start with I was told I need the following meta-analysis commands: metan7, metabias6, metafunnel, metainf, metatrim, metacum and metan
I have sucessfully been able to install and run analysis with metabias6, metafunnel and metacum
I'm not able to run metainf or metatrim. I have really tried to make sure I have the last version but still it seems I cannot run them whatever i do.
The last thing I ended up doing instead was to download all the meta-analysis commands available in "Meta-Analysis in Stata: An updated Collection from the Stata Journal, second edition" (https://www.stata.com/bookstore/meta-analysis-in-stata/). I first ran the command net from http://www.stata-press.com/data/mais2 and then the command net install mais2. As i already had some commands installed(had tried to install each command one by one) I needed to update these by typing command adoupdate. Stata then recommended me to type recommendation ado update, update. Stata then replies "Cleaning up... Done". I then type update command to just to check if there are new updates. Stata tells me I have all new updates
Still both metainf and metatrim will not run
The commands I'm trying to run look like this(this has been written by my counsellor who really is an expert in this):
gen double logrr = log(rr)
gen double loglb = log(cilow)
gen double logub = log(ciupper)
gen double selogrr = ((logub - loglb)/(2*invnorm(.975)))
gsort -year + author
metan7 logr loglb logub , eform random label( namevar=author ) ///
effect(Relative Risk) ///
xlabel(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5) ///
force xtick(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5) nowt graph
metabias6 logrr selogrr, graph(begg)
metafunnel logrr selogrr, mlabel(author)
metafunnel logrr selogrr
metainf logrr selogrr, random print eform id(author)
metatrim logrr selogrr, f reffect eform
gsort +year + author
metacum logrr selogrr, eform xlabel(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00) ///
force xtick(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00) label(namevar=author)
I have been struggling with this for 4 days, and still can't get any wiser, so hopefully someone can point out what I should do
I guess the best thing would be if someone could point out excactly the versions of the commands I need to install in order to make this work
I have Stata SE/16.1, don't know if that could cause any trouble
Could it be that some of the commands in the do-file is older then the versions I have installed and therefore might have typing errors?
I'm very thankfull for your help
Jarle Sæby Dybvik
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