Dear all,

I am conducting a fe panel regression in stata and want to check for a mediation
I am using the sgmediation package and I am running the following code:

sgmediation dv, iv(independent variable) mv(mediator) cv(controls) -> the variable names are in brackets
I am getting significant effects of the mediator and the IV (for the direct and indirect effect)

After that I want to bootstrap the results

bootstrap r(ind_eff) r(dir_eff), reps(5000): sgmediation dv, iv(independent variable) mv(mediator) cv(controls)

But now the indirect effect _bs_1 has a p value of 0.3 and thereby is not significant anymore

Could you please help me how I can interpret the results?
Is the model with a mediation not working for me?

when running estat bootstrap, percentile the interval value is not 0