Dear all,

I am running the follwing STATA code from the example from this website:
Dataset: use, clear
capture program drop bootmm program bootmm, rclass syntax [if] [in] sureg (read math socst)(write math socst)(science read write math socst) `if' `in' return scalar indread = [read]_b[math]*[science]_b[read] return scalar indwrite = [write]_b[math]*[science]_b[write] return scalar indtotal = [read]_b[math]*[science]_b[read] + /// [write]_b[math]*[science]_b[write] end bootstrap r(indread) r(indwrite) r(indtotal), bca reps(5000) nodots: bootmm

But I am getting the error message
invalid syntax
an error occurred when bootstrap executed bootmm

Could you please tell me what is wrong here?