To see the prevalence of tobacco consumption in socio demographic variables their difference if statistically significant or not in rural and urban areas. I chose thought of doing a chi-square test and hand calculate CI of 95% but I came across boot strapping. I'm just trying to find out if there is any other way to find out the CI and Chi2 together in Stata 16.

proportion Gender if TobaccoUser==1, over (Region) vce(boot)
additional questions :
1. Is there a way to find the results in percentage?
2. Any mistakes in the code for which my results are coming in a visually difficult way.

Observed Bootstrap Logit
Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

Male Urban .6685824 .0135016 .6416087 .6944926
Male Rural .634323 .0135404 .6073998 .660432
Female Urban .3314176 .0135016 .3055074 .3583913
Female Rural .365677 .0135404 .339568 .3926002

I'm a novice user, apologies if I have done any major mistake by combining a non- parametric estimation method with a chi-square statistic.