Hi All

I am rather new to Stata and have encountered some difficulty in generating a word documents with both odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals using the following chunk of code:

outreg, clear
foreach r in $health {
svy,subpop(include): logistic `r' $xvars if bentype1==1
outreg, merge varlabels bdec(2) tdec(2) blankrows ctitle("" "`r'")

outreg using "$output\T3. Multivariate Analysis-HEW_PW1.doc", or stats(e_ci) replay replace store(table1) bdec(2) tdec(2) hlstyle(s;d;;s) ///

When I place the "or, stats(e_b e_ci) command in the loop: the 3300 error code arises. When I place it in the following line of code using the document, there is no output of CI in the word document. The health global is a series of health related outcome variables. The xvars globals is a set of independent household variables.

Any help is much appreciated.. I'm happy to provide additional information if needed.