I am working on a server with data on individuals, and there are very strict rules on how data should be aggregated if I want to retrieve figures from the server.

This is mostly fine, but I am having some trouble making sure that my histograms are in order. I am unable to immediately figure out how many observations that are in each bin. I think I have found a solution, but wanted to hear if someone else has experience with this.

I found that the histogram calls another function called -twoway__histogram_gen-, and I found from the ado file that I can force it to return what it uses to create the bins. I tried to make this little function, that works well on this small, and well behaved, data. But the data I have are tens of million of observations, so it is a little more difficult to make the same "sanity" check.

Anyone else have experience in counting number of obs in bins? (And I dont understand why the -break- is not respected in this loop?)

sysuse auto, clear
twoway__histogram_gen price, return
local r_bin = r(bin)
local r_start = r(start)
local r_width = r(width)

forvalues bin_n = 1(1)`r_bin'{
    qui count if ///
        price >= (`r_start' + `r_width'*(`bin_n' - 1)) & ///
        price < (`r_start' + `r_width'*`bin_n')
    cap assert r(N) > 5
    if _rc {
        di "Not enough observations in bin `bin_n' with `r(N)' obs."