* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year long province byte Var1 2001 1 3 2001 2 4 2001 3 5 2002 1 4 2002 2 5 2002 3 8 end label values province province label def province 1 "北京", modify label def province 2 "天津", modify label def province 3 "河北", modify
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year long province byte(Var1 Var2) 2001 1 3 0 2001 1 3 1 2001 1 3 2 2001 2 4 1 2001 2 4 0 2001 2 4 1 2001 3 5 2 2001 3 5 1 2001 3 5 0 2002 1 4 0 2002 1 4 1 2002 1 4 4 2002 2 5 1 2002 2 5 0 2002 2 5 3 2002 3 8 4 2002 3 8 3 2002 3 8 0 end label values province province label def province 1 "北京", modify label def province 2 "天津", modify label def province 3 "河北", modify
expand 3 sort year province
As you can see, for year 2001 in province 1 (or 北京), the values for Var2 are 0, 1, and 2. They are obtained as follows.
Look at the first observation of the raw data (2001, 北京), the value of Var1 is 3. It is then used to minus the values in the same year (2001) for different provinces (3,4, and 5) , respectively, and in absolute values.
Thus, the first three values for Var2, 0, 1, and 2 are calculated as |3-3|, |3-4|, and |3-5|, respectively. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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