Dear all,

I use Stata 13 and I want to calculate average value of X removing outliers (1st and 99th percentile) from different datasets. However, when there are many values of X equal to the percentile value, I want to drop the observations based on value of other variables ( for instance, the smallest values of variable Z). Is there a command that allows me to tag outliers this way?

I have created a program (see code below) that creates an outlier dummy accordingly, but it is not efficient since it takes long and I have to repeat the procedure many times. Would you know of a more efficient way to perform what I want? Thank you so much.

program define trim_criteria 

qui centile `1', centile(1 99)
scalar p1= r(c_1)
scalar p99= r(c_2)
scalar tot= r(N)
scalar tot1 = round(tot*0.01)

gsort -v elasticity_sign -imp_v_share -exp_v_share imp_iso3 aff_iso3     // I sort the data according to these six variables

qui gen d1_`1'=1 if float(`1')>float(p99) & `1'!=.
qui count if float(p99)==float(`1')
if r(N)>0 {
    qui count if d1_`1'==1
    qui scalar j1= tot1-r(N)
    qui gen f1 = _n if float(p99)==float(`1')
    qui egen g1=rank (f1), field
    qui replace d1_`1' = 1 if g1<=j1
qui count if d1_`1'==1
cap assert r(N)==tot1 
if _rc!=0 {
    assert r(N)==tot1-1

qui replace d1_`1'=1 if float(`1')<float(p1) & `1'!=.
qui count if float(p1)==float(`1')
if r(N)>0 {
    qui count if d1_`1'==1
    qui scalar j2= (2*tot1)-r(N)
    qui gen f2 = _n if float(p1)==float(`1') & d1_`1'!=1
    qui egen g2=rank (f2), field
    qui replace d1_`1' = 1 if g2<=j2
qui count if d1_`1'==1
cap assert r(N)==2*tot1
if _rc!=0 {
    cap assert r(N)==2*tot1-1
        if _rc!=0 {
            assert r(N)==2*tot1-2 
foreach var in f1 g1 f2 g2{
cap drop `var'