I have one question about decimals. For example, variable age and casi_total in the data set has one decimal. But after I export them to the excel .csv file, it will show something strange. For example, age 88.9 will change to 88.900002, casi_total will change to 22.200001. I want 88.9 and 22.2 in my excel .csv. How can I fix this issue?
Jack Liang
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int patientid float(age casi_total) 23 88.9 22.2 49 74.8 94.4 249 82.9 64.3 285 78.8 91 349 77 87.3 442 69.8 94 482 75.1 38.5 539 81.2 53.2 643 74.9 24 668 76.6 47.1 end
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