Hi everyone, first post so pardon me if I'm making a rookie mistake.

I want to compare the difference in children's education based on whether they are adopted or not. My dataset from PSID has adoptive and birth families.

I use psmatch2 to match adoptive families (treated) to birth families (control) based on parent characteristics. Thus, the matching should be done at the family-level. (This is my code, if relevant: psmatch2 adopted old_mother old_father father_rich mother_zerochildren, outcome(child_collegedummy) neighbor(1) common ate ties)

However, my data is at the child-level (1 obs per child), hence each familyID can take up several observations, depending on how many children there are per family.

Is there a way to specify in psmatch2 to match at the family-level?
I thought of restructuring my dataset to become 1 obs per family but it'll lead to some complications.

Would really appreciate if anyone could advise. Many thanks!