
I asked this question yesterday but it was not mentioned in the title so I followed the advice from Clyde Schechter and open a new thread.
I try to use the natural log by sum up my variable "usd" sort by year and month.

The code to do this is the following:
bys year month : asrol usd, gen(cumusd) stat(sum) window(month 12)
Since my Dataset is very volatile I want to use the natural log. I could not find anything in this forum who used asrol and log at the same time. I also looked at the page from Attaulah Shah but could not find anything either.
The workaround would be to transform the usd into "ln" first and then use asrol, but I was wondering if there is a direct function to do it?

Here is the dataset example:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long usd str15 country float(month year deals_uk)
   958540 " United Kingdom"  1 2010 3
  1580000 " United Kingdom"  1 2010 3
  2000000 " United Kingdom"  1 2010 3
  1100000 " United Kingdom"  2 2010 2
  3000000 " United Kingdom"  2 2010 2
    62001 " United Kingdom"  3 2010 1
  3690000 " United Kingdom"  4 2010 1
  2400000 " United Kingdom"  6 2010 2
 18275602 " United Kingdom"  6 2010 2
     1503 " United Kingdom"  7 2010 2
 49082059 " United Kingdom"  7 2010 2
  1736418 " United Kingdom"  8 2010 1
   700000 " United Kingdom"  9 2010 1
  2532150 " United Kingdom" 10 2010 2
   800769 " United Kingdom" 10 2010 2
  6000000 " United Kingdom"  1 2011 2
  8300000 " United Kingdom"  1 2011 2
  3213610 " United Kingdom"  2 2011 2
117296775 " United Kingdom"  2 2011 2
   965642 " United Kingdom"  3 2011 2
    77743 " United Kingdom"  3 2011 2
  4135731 " United Kingdom"  4 2011 3
   487692 " United Kingdom"  4 2011 3
 28400000 " United Kingdom"  4 2011 3
  5083942 " United Kingdom"  5 2011 3
   222521 " United Kingdom"  5 2011 3
  1000000 " United Kingdom"  5 2011 3
   430000 " United Kingdom"  6 2011 1
    72561 " United Kingdom"  7 2011 1
    71338 " United Kingdom"  8 2011 1
  1336631 " United Kingdom"  9 2011 1
   142979 " United Kingdom" 11 2011 1
   706309 " United Kingdom" 12 2011 1