Hi all,

I'm getting the error above, no observations r(2000) for the ADF test.

Maybe it is because I'm using hourly data, but haven't tsset it the right way?
I have data like this: 01jan2016 00:00:00 and the next being 01jan2016 01:00:00.

Furthermore, where can I see which data im missing?

I use the following commands:
gen double Dato_1 = clock(dato, "DMY hm")
format *1 %23.0f
format *1 %tc
tsset Dato_1

tsline spanien
dfuller spanien, regress lags(1) trend

Output for tsset:
time variable: Dato_1, 01jan2016 00:00:00 to 03dec2020 17:00:00
but with gaps
delta: .001 seconds

Hope it makes sense, thanks in advance.

Kind regards Christian