I would like to create a scatterplot including a linear regression line. The x-axis should be ordinally scalled from AAA to B- (variable ratingscale) and the y-axis should be continuously scaled based on the dependent variable (variable yieldreduction). Besides I would like to add a specific country to every tickmark in the scatterplot.
My code is the following:
regress yieldreduction rating
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str11 country float yieldreduction byte rating str4 ratingscale byte categorie "Germany" -.01201 1 "AAA" 1 "France" -.0226 3 "AA+" 2 "Netherlands" -.01678 1 "AA" 3 "Belgium" -.02124 3 "AA-" 4 "Austria" -.01845 2 "A+" 5 "Finland" -.01426 2 "A" 6 "Spain" -.0372 7 "A-" 7 "Italy" -.03752 9 "BBB+" 8 "Portugal" -.02977 9 "BBB" 9 "Ireland" -.02216 5 "BBB-" 10 "Greece" -.06422 14 "BB+" 11 "" . . "BB" 12 "" . . "BB-" 13 "" . . "B+" 14 end
Thank you in advance!
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