Hi. I'm trying to fit a multicolumn table in word using the stata command "frmttable". The spacing between the columns is too large and my able exceeds the word document width. Below is my code, with the use of frmttable. Any help will be much appreciated

*r30 panel
tabstat tot30* if (armn==1), stat(mean sd) long col(stat) format(%9.2f) save
return list
mat list r(StatTotal)
mat A1 = r(StatTotal)'
mat list A1
matrix rownames A1 = "outpatient" "inpatient" "snf" "hospice" "home health" ///
frmttable using table1a, statmat(A1) substat(1) sdec(1) colwidth(0.25) ///
            ctitles("", "", "30-day" \"", "Treatment"\"" "Mean(sd)")
            replace ///
tabstat tot30* if (armn==2), stat(mean sd) long col(stat) format(%9.2f) save
return list
mat list r(StatTotal)
mat A2 = r(StatTotal)'
mat list A2
matrix rownames A2 = "outpatient" "inpatient" "snf" "hospice" "home health" ///
frmttable using table1a, statmat(A2) substat(1) sdec(1) colwidth(0.25) ///
            ctitles(""\"", "Control"\"" "Mean(sd)") merge