I specify here that i'm truly a neophyte in this language and i'm kind of struggling with easy stuff.
What i want to do here is to do some test and then calculate how many times it takes to stata to do it. I want to report my result into a csv file.
 import delimited "C:\Users\Olivier\Desktop\Zebrys\data\integ_narr_1_unif_bina_1.csv", encoding(Big5)   timer on 1 /*moyenne timer*/ tabstat (v1-v128), stat(mean) timer off 1   timer on 2 /*median timer */ tabstat (v1-v128), stats(median) timer off 2  timer list  di `r(t1)' input str10 fichier  temps str10 action     "bina" `r(t1)' "mean" end  export delimited fichier temps action using "cr_etape1", replace timer clear /* On vide le timer et la liste */  clear
And in fact Stata cannot read my variable, i obtain this error :
'`' cannot be read as a number
Thanks for your help