Dear Users,

We are two undergraduate students of Economics; doing our final Thesis, and we are kind of stuck while trying to run a Wilcoxon test.

So, we have our data organized as it follows:


As you can see, we have a bunch of variables; and our main idea was to run a Wilcoxon test as our Data does not follow a normal distribution.

We ran it with the following command: "ranksum Egoista, by(Control)"

However; we get the following error message: more than 2 groups found, only 2 allowed

We have checked in this forum and on other webpages for a solution, but we still have not found it.

Perhaps it may be an obvius mistake with an easy resolution, but we do not have a long experience with STATA; so we would appreciate your help.

Thanks in advanced


Alejandro Medina Sandín