I am using outreg 2 for exporting results. It is giving me the desired excel file in these cases:
meologit NumAP if NumAP !=3|| country:
meologit, coeflegend
display _b[/var(_cons[country])]
estadd scalar Bet_Country_var = _b[/var(_cons[country])]
estadd scalar icc4 = _b[/var(_cons[country])]/(_b[/var(_cons[country])] + (_pi^2)/3)
est store null4
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\Paper with Norma\Year 2016 data for the paper\Do Files and results - Feb 9 2020\June 8 2020 results & dataset\EVA4.xls", e(ll chi2_c Bet_Country_var icc4) dec(5) long replace ctitle (Null_type_of_AP_Country Logit Coeff) label
meologit NumAP if NumAP !=3|| country:, or
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\Paper with Norma\Year 2016 data for the paper\Do Files and results - Feb 9 2020\June 8 2020 results & dataset\EVA4.xls", e(ll chi2_c Bet_Country_var icc4) dec(5) long append ctitle (Null_type_of_AP_Country Odds Ratio) label eform
However, outreg2 is not giving me any excel file in this case. The code is almost entirely the same in the cases above. I am not able to figure out what I am doing wrong. I would really appreciate any help I can get.
meologit NumAP LnEVA LnTA LnNoEmp LnNetSales if NumAP !=3|| country : , cov(un)
meologit, coeflegend
display _b[/var(_cons[country])]
estadd scalar Bet_Country_var = _b[/var(_cons[country])]
estadd scalar icc_model4 = _b[/var(_cons[country])]/(_b[/var(_cons[country])] + (_pi^2)/3)
est store model4 /*EVA country model to be used*/
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\Paper with Norma\Year 2016 data for the paper\Do Files and results - Feb 9 2020\June 8 2020 results & dataset\EVA4.xls", e(ll chi2 p chi2_c p_c Bet_Country_var icc_model4) dec(5) long append ctitle (Type_of_AP_Country Logit Coeff) label
Here is a sample of the data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte NumAP float(LnEVA LnTA LnNoEmp LnNetSales) 2 8.377947 10.40141 11.425012 10.31258 3 5.185308 7.565351 . . 4 . 5.399691 6.729824 5.438092 1 5.633633 9.30168 9.51 8.5332155 3 6.281605 8.158677 10.744968 7.711244 3 4.4394884 7.545974 7.996317 7.795625 1 6.186709 9.154573 10.894682 9.498554 1 7.014476 10.690746 11.339036 10.37419 3 3.745094 7.037051 8.631058 7.149454 4 4.4073267 7.732457 11.608235 8.545722 3 5.796453 8.894099 8.510773 7.958344 3 2.830404 6.202377 7.463363 6.393945 1 3.906036 7.050723 8.79936 7.212394 3 5.970675 9.522954 11.373663 9.764848 1 . 13.014983 10.28807 10.296418 1 6.586009 9.294629 8.119101 9.024773 3 -1.5772606 1.5466068 . 2.2685907 3 5.535774 8.398828 8.555644 8.384429 1 3.4648094 7.291002 7.513709 6.86345 3 3.588314 6.709685 7.968319 6.878479 3 . 10.447096 9.2911825 6.268014 3 4.6780834 7.079084 8.003029 7.550779 3 . 5.48822 7.738052 6.760447 3 5.53355 9.31084 7.377759 7.344416 3 2.178215 4.578532 6.821107 5.13057 3 4.438842 8.015679 10.16589 8.164495 1 7.199049 9.891319 9.546169 8.878045 3 6.426943 9.258836 10.757903 8.968793 1 1.40129 4.581737 5.908083 4.886827 4 5.985028 9.327169 . 9.575318 2 9.622618 12.908727 12.500755 12.006316 3 . . 0 . 2 5.161428 9.435422 . 9.22574 3 3.684899 6.055447 . 5.670596 3 4.482087 8.868809 . 8.040034 3 2.672562 7.605259 . 6.624901 1 . 6.328005 . 4.334162 1 . 13.756238 11.640121 11.65695 1 . 11.319855 10.822474 7.3146 1 . 10.826994 7.814804 5.906342 3 4.791237 7.50954 . 4.735467 1 . 9.255838 9.679281 7.37404 1 7.202208 10.401852 9.623906 8.524985 3 .3778671 4.4884577 . 4.3136106 4 2.1494555 6.181727 . 6.412541 3 4.1402974 7.825104 8.034307 6.959904 3 2.951909 6.542113 8.299783 6.370216 3 -.24301547 2.62146 5.686975 3.0873826 4 8.219775 9.933483 12.858397 10.400702 3 2.561676 5.338252 7.872836 4.794987 1 6.069139 9.818811 10.39925 8.749884 3 5.369879 9.435403 9.769156 7.433772 2 3.639632 8.539434 . 8.879266 4 5.879278 8.669935 . 6.97784 3 2.9683325 5.940532 7.711549 5.931378 4 3.18603 6.002316 8.442685 6.895794 3 3.574627 6.908054 7.407924 5.678441 3 3.784742 6.151921 7.638198 6.63287 3 6.516993 9.274331 10.404263 10.084612 3 4.3952155 7.78461 8.083637 7.592079 3 . 5.459404 7.873598 6.354105 3 4.5761666 6.408985 7.772332 5.588933 3 7.029238 9.449917 9.661798 8.674953 3 . 4.421027 4.691348 3.470357 3 3.196965 4.7205715 5.700444 4.0762386 3 6.928296 8.949292 . 8.354953 3 2.0914705 5.260825 . 5.62132 4 . 4.773419 . 3.7057395 3 . 7.262015 8.795582 6.27566 3 . 7.01478 9.104091 6.948607 3 3.935986 6.864205 8.393895 6.737233 3 . 6.520947 7.914618 6.11729 3 . 11.773896 9.231318 10.021404 3 -2.5830634 1.518848 4.2904596 . 3 2.537566 4.648821 7.721792 4.827362 3 2.43922 5.330464 8.491055 5.365185 2 6.318242 8.962135 9.433484 8.343316 1 . 14.85172 13.115738 9.688677 3 6.151535 9.73879 . 9.5225935 3 4.2891197 6.372607 9.478151 6.35504 1 6.784978 9.328307 10.16969 9.227158 4 6.974103 10.382182 11.290057 9.681471 1 6.529658 10.094428 11.345714 10.17451 1 7.076218 10.748758 11.10796 9.859728 3 6.421455 9.799715 9.82282 8.923152 3 . 7.138335 8.080237 6.644922 1 . 11.672623 11.803967 11.160314 3 2.7429776 6.220991 8.901366 5.171831 3 . 7.309593 7.864036 6.392447 3 . 11.334576 9.562264 7.094105 3 . 7.267603 5.446737 6.000544 3 3.922585 7.824004 9.573941 7.996305 3 3.5417416 6.801116 9.491903 7.077605 3 .0485624 2.77739 . 2.6834836 3 3.910074 6.617407 . 6.31937 3 3.672464 7.073018 6.661855 6.80561 3 . 9.211709 . 4.515278 1 6.254182 9.746659 10.736397 9.614925 3 4.1701994 6.260794 . 6.028453 3 . 9.244566 . 3.5465896 end label values NumAP NumAP label def NumAP 1 "BIG4", modify label def NumAP 2 "Engineering firm", modify label def NumAP 3 "None", modify label def NumAP 4 "Small consultancy/ boutique firm", modify
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