Aiming at finding the determinants for different product choices, I am estimating a multinomial logit model and want to check whether the IIA assumption is violated. However, having survey data (pweights) and clustering at the same time doesn't allow me to run the suest command.
Background: My data are survey data (with one-stage clustered design with stratification):
svyset hhid [pweight=pweight]
svy: mlogit Decision `x1', b(1) = mlogit Decision `x1' [pweight=pweight], b(1)
svy: mlogit Decision `x1', b(1) estimates store m1 svy: mlogit Decision `x1' if Decision != 3 & Decision!=4, b(1) estimates store m2 svy: mlogit Decision `x1' if Decision != 2 & Decision!=4, b(1) estimates store m3 svy: mlogit Decision `x1' if Decision != 2 & Decision!=3, b(1) estimates store m4 suest m*, vce(cluster hhid) noomitted option cluster() is not allowed with svy results r(198);
Why doesnt suest allow pweights/svy and clustering? What can I do instead to check the IIA assumption?
Thanks in advance!
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