Hi all,

I got a question to the command "matchit". Thank you first for your help.

Right now, I am stuck because I need to check whether some observations of data set A are also in data set B, C and D. Data set A has 60000 observations while B, C, D have 50000 to 60000 observations. The variables I am using are string variables. I tried to use "matchit" with data set A and B, but as you can imagine, my computer is not capable of going through all of those combinations.

To be more precise about the data sets. All data sets include three variables, "id","employer", and "employer_match_name". The difference between "employer", and "employer_match_name" is that I deleted all appendages such as inc, corp, dots, log, spaces, etc.

I am entirely new with Stata (4 days of use), so please apologize if I have overseen or broken a Stata principle.

My questions: Would you use match it in this case too? And if yes, how would you slice the data sets to have an appropriate size to be able to use "matchit"?

At the moment, I am using Stata/SE 16.0 for Mac (64-bit Intel).

Thank you for your time.