Hi Statalist,

I am trying to rename a set of variables in Stata 16.1. The new variable name I want to use is stored across three observations, and I want to combine them into a variable name. I've written some toy code below to test my proposed approach.

clear all

* toy dataset
set obs 3

gen v1 = ""

replace v1 = "part" in 1
replace v1 = "of" in 2
replace v1 = "varname" in 3


* proposed code for renaming

local p1 v1[1]
local p2 v1[2]
local p3 v1[3]

di `p1' `p2' `p3'

rename v1 `p1'_`p2'_`p3'
However, this code fails to rename the variables to what I want. I receive the following error

1 new variable name invalid
    You attempted to rename v1 to v1[1]_v1[2]_v1[3].  That is an invalid Stata variable name.

The reason seems to be because the local macros p1 p2 p3 output the variable name with explicit subscript e.g. v1[1] rather than the actual underlying value e.g. "part". Weirdly, however the display command correctly outputs the values stored in each observation.

How I can I get the local macro to pass the values stored in v1[1] v1[2] and v1[3] to the rename command rather than just the variable names?

Thanks in advance,
