Hi, I use following code to restrict the range of a plot and get a plot as showing below. However, it only restricts the range of ysacle.

    twoway (rarea up_innov dn_innov Years , ///
            fcolor(gs12) lcolor(white) lpattern(solid)) ///
    (rarea up2_innov dn2_innov  Years, ///
            fcolor(gs10) lcolor(white) lpattern(solid)) ///
    (line b_innov Years, lcolor(blue) ///
    lpattern(solid) lwidth(thick)) /// 
    (line zero Years, lcolor(black)), ///
    xtitle("Years since pandemic event start", size(medsmall)) ///
    graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) ///
    xscale(range(1 10)) xlabel(1 (1) 15) ///
    yscale(range(-3 3)) ylabel(-3 (1) 3) legend(off) name(innov, replace) 
    graph rename   IT,replace

How could I produce a plot like this? (I just simple create a screenshot without the part of "head")
