I am trying to do a meta-analysis and calculated odds ratios and Upper and Lower 95% CI. On STATA v16, I go to the "setup" tab for meta-analysis, selection "Declare generic, precomputed effect sizes" and select my precalculated "odds ratio" for the Effect Size. Then I click, "CI variables." In the dropdown menu, I select "LowCI" and "UppCI" variables for the Lower and Upper tabs. However, under "CI symmetry tolerance" I'm not sure what to type in. When I try to run the analysis, I get an error saying they are not "normal" values. So if I go back and type in "1," for example, the analysis runs but the calculated upper and lower 95% CI are not shown in the forest plot. I'm really confused.

How can I get either (1) my precalculated Upper and Lower CIs to show in my forest plot? And (2) What do I type in for "CI symmetry tolerance" in the selection box in the STATA v16 meta-analysis function?