I am conducting a Mokken scale analysis using loevh, with the following syntax:
loevh var1 var2 var3 var4
I obtain my Loevinger H coefficients for each variable, and for the whole scale, with no problems.
What I would like to do now (if it is possible), is to generate a new variable with the "scores" of the Mokken scale for every one of the 220 observations. (This, I believe, would be analogous to "predicting" factor scores for each observation using predict after factor). Is this in any way possible? If so, how?
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help. I hope I presented my question clearly. Please pardon my English, as it is not my first language. I hope you all are doing well in these crazy times we've had to live. Best regards,
Paolo Moncagatta
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