Hi all,
I have two sets of variables "within5km within10km within20km" and "less2plus 7 less2plus14 less2plus21 less2plus28". I would like to create new variables using a minimum value between the first set of variables and the second set of variables.

For example, egen exposure5_7 = rowmin( within5km Less2plus7), egen exposure5_14= rowmin( within5km Less2plus14)……………….
and so on, and egen exposure10_7= rowmin (within10km Less2plus7) and so on.

I am trying to create a loop but I am quite stuck with it. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str10 date byte(within5km within10km within20km less2plus7 less2plus14 less2plus21 less2plus28)
"2020-05-19"  7 10  0  0  2  8  9
"2020-05-20"  3  7  0  7  3  5  4
"2020-05-19"  9 10  6  0  2  9  0
"2020-05-19"  5  5  8  3  5  6  8
"2020-05-19"  2  6  7  7  0  5  3
"2020-05-19"  6  0 10  4  6  1  0
"2020-05-20"  0  2  2  4  0  8  0
"2020-05-20"  9  3 10  2  3  1  7
"2020-05-19"  0 10  9  0  2  7  5
"2020-05-19"  1  1  1  9  4  2  0
"2020-05-19"  7  4  1  0  0  5  8
"2020-05-19"  9  6 10  5  2  9  3
"2020-05-19"  0  7  4  5  2  7  4
"2020-05-18" 10  9  8 10  0  4 10
"2020-05-18"  0  7  9  5  8  4  5
"2020-05-22" 10  2  9  1  6  9  6
"2020-05-22" 10  6 10  2  9  3  1
"2020-05-22"  5 10  2  9  6  1  5
"2020-05-21"  2  6  0  6  7  8  1
"2020-05-21"  7  1  5  0  7  7  7
"19may2020"   4  4  9 10  6  5 10
"2020-05-25"  3  6  6  4  5  0  4
"2020-05-25"  5  3  6  0  3  0 10
"2020-05-25"  8  0  4  3 10 10  8
"2020-05-20"  8  3  5  4  2 10  0
"2020-05-25"  0  0  4  8  1  1  2
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