I am currently researching the effect of trust on life satisfaction in Europe. I am using all waves of the ESS. Political trust is divided into three subdimensions: Political actors and Institutions, Regulatory Institutions and Supranational Institutions. These are calculated through a Factor Analysis.
However, one Item was implemented in the survey one year later than the others (namely: Trust in political parties). After conducting the factor analysis and using these variables in my regression model the whole first wave drops out.
This is my Code and trstprt the problematic Variable:
**Factor analysis for Political Trust global poltrulist trstprl trstlgl trstplc trstplt trstprt trstep trstun describe $poltrulist corr $poltrulist pca $poltrulist screeplot alpha $poltrulist *3 Factors Varimax factor $poltrulist, factor (3) rotate, varimax loadingplot predict actandinst regulatory supranational estat kmo
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