Hi Statalisters!

I am trying to make the most of stata16's new automated reporting functions, and playing around with generating summary statistics. I'm currently using the following code but struggling figuring out how to use the variable labels rather than variables themselves

putexcel set report.xlsx, replace 

putexcel A1= "Sum Test"
putexcel A1:F1, border(bottom) merge hcenter
tabstat age height weight, stat(n mean sd min max) save 
return list
putexcel A2= matrix(r(StatTotal)'), names nformat(number_d2)
This is an ideal way of exporting summary stats, as I can integrate them into specific parts of the .xlsx file. What I'm struggling with is how to use variable labels instead of the variables themselves. I can do this with estpost, but then I can only export as a csv.

Any help would be really useful!
Thanks in advance.

Chris Burningham