
I have a fairly complicated table of summary statistics that I would like to export to LaTeX automatically.

In total, there are 4 categorical variables to be considered:
  • quint: Q1, Q2, ... , Q5-Q1
  • weight: EQ or MW
  • measure: Average, Cosine, Jaccard
  • stat: Excess Returns, Alpha FF3, Alpha FF5
The depicted statistics are means of 2 value variables (dataset is in long format).

The following command using table produces exactly what I want to have:
table stat weight quint, c(mean val mean p_val) by(measure) format(%9.4f)
Also see the attached screenshot of the table.

How can I export this table to a LaTeX file or if not possible, replicate it with tabout? So far I couldn find a way to include all those categories in a tabout command...

Thank you all very much in advance!
