I am estimating many regressions using different assumptions for standard errors.
An example of what I am doing is the following:
sysuse auto, clear
generate gpmw = ((1/mpg)/weight)*100*1000
eststo clear
eststo: reg gpmw foreign length
eststo: reg gpmw foreign length, vce(robust)
To export this into a latex table I do the following:

esttab, se
esttab using example.tex, order(foreign length) ///
label se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
Using this approach I have two columns with identical point estimates but different standard errors. This is a problem as I have tens of model to estimate and I would like to convey the information in a more concise way. I would like to create a latex output that joins these models with identical point estimates into a single column, reporting robust standard errors below the normal standard errors. Is there a convenient way to do this?

I thank you very much in advance for helping me with this coding issue

Best regards