1. When converting Stata graph to eps. file, I get a different result.
2. I cannot figure out how to control the gap between countries names.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(num_n_im_diff highce) str38 country
 32.292038 0 "Austria"           
 34.283756 0 "Belgium"           
  9.345834 1 "Canada"            
  -.591267 0 "Chile"             
 10.487276 0 "Czech Republic"    
 25.909924 1 "Denmark"           
  21.69208 1 "Spain"             
-2.6679676 1 "Estonia"           
  39.62453 1 "Finland"           
 23.977413 1 "United Kingdom"    
  37.45913 1 "Germany"           
  9.632136 1 "Greece"            
 -9.475159 0 "Hungary"           
  2.812433 0 "Ireland"           
-2.0721474 0 "Israel"            
  39.90743 0 "Italy"             
-10.849392 0 "Japan"             
 25.969164 0 "Korea"             
 -13.37834 1 "Lithuania"         
 -15.65513 0 "Mexico"            
  38.96118 0 "Netherlands"       
  46.26237 1 "Norway"            
  2.843269 1 "New Zealand"       
 -41.05425 0 "Peru"              
  20.69618 1 "Poland"            
  20.05062 0 "Russian Federation"
  -8.73837 0 "Singapore"         
 13.270306 0 "Slovak Republic"   
  12.05715 0 "Slovenia"          
  56.75113 1 "Sweden"            
  9.536679 1 "Turkey"            
 26.667624 1 "United States"     

graph dot (asis) "num_n_im_diff" if highce==1, ///
yline(-40 -20 20 40 60, lstyle(foreground) lwidth(vvthin))  ///
yline(0, lstyle(foreground) lwidth(vthin)) ///
over(country, sort(num_n_im_diff) label(labsize(small)) axis(lcolor(none))) ///
marker(1, mcolor(black) msize(vsmall) msymbol(square)) ///
linetype(line) lines(lcolor(%0)) ///
yscale(range(-40 60)) yscale(noline) ylabel(-40(20)60) ///
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ifcolor(white) ilcolor(white)) ///
plotregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ifcolor(white) ilcolor(white)) 
cap graph save Graph "ex1.gph", replace
cap graph export "ex1.eps",as(eps) replace fontface(CMUSerif-Roman)