Dear All,

Is it possible to color connecting lines in a scatter plot in different colors ?

I plottet 566 sets of pre and post biomarker concentrations and connected sample sets with connect(l). I wish to color ascending lines red and descending lines black.

rename PreTBI_biomark01a sample1
rename PreTBI_biomark02a sample2

reshape long sample,i(cpr) j(time)
sort cpr time

set scheme s1mono
scatter sample time, yscale(log) /
msy(O) ///
aspect(1) ///
connect(l) ///
xscale(range(0.8 2.2)) ///
xlabel(1 "Prehospital" 2 "Inhospital") ///
ytitle("S100B concentration, log scale") ///
xtitle("") /* Legend for x-axis (none here) */

I use STATA15. Thank you.

Kind regards,
Sophie Seidenfaden