
I have three questions when using catplot.

1) Labels (designated as the supaxis) were truncated. Is there a way to increase the number of characters displayed or increase the region on the left side of the graph to allow more characters to be displayed?

recode alcgetw (1 = .)
recode year (2020 = 1) (2018 = 2)

splitvallabels alcgetw
catplot year alcgetw, ///
percent(year) ///
var1opts(gap(*0) label(labsize(vsmall)) relabel(1 "2020" 2 "2018")) ///
var2opts(sort(1) descending label(labsize(vsmall))) ///
ytitle("Percent", size(small)) ///
title("Most Recent Location of Obtaining Alcohol" ///
, span size(medium)) ///
blabel(bar, format(%9.1f)) ///
intensity(25) ///
bar(1, color(navy)) ///
bar(2, color(maroon)) ///

2) When using relabel to shorten the labels, the space to the left of the graph actually becomes smaller, further limiting the number of characters shown.

recode alcgetw (1 = .)
recode year (2020 = 1) (2018 = 2)

splitvallabels alcgetw
catplot year alcgetw, ///
percent(year) ///
var1opts(gap(*0) label(labsize(vsmall)) relabel(1 "2020" 2 "2018")) ///
var2opts(sort(1) descending label(labsize(vsmall)) relabel(1 "Not" 2 "Home" 6 "Friend's house non-nghbrhd" 5 "Friend's house nghbrhd" 3 "Relative's house" 8 "Store non-nghbohd" 10 "Other place non-nghbrhd" 7 "Store nghbrhd" 9 "Other place nghbrhd" 4 "School" 11 "Other")) ///
ytitle("Percent", size(small)) ///
title("Most Recent Location of Obtaining Alcohol" ///
, span size(medium)) ///
blabel(bar, format(%9.1f)) ///
intensity(25) ///
bar(1, color(navy)) ///
bar(2, color(maroon)) ///

3) I wanted the 2020 bars to be one color and the 2018 bars to be another color, but the bar(#, color()) option has not been working. Not sure if there's another way to go about it.

I'm very much new to State and Statalist, so any input is much appreciated! Thank you!