Hi Statalisters!

I have a time series dataset that I have set as such with the command
I am plotting the following:

twoway (tsline price, yaxis(2) lcolor(black)) || (tsline volume, yaxis(1) lcolor(gs10)), tline(15dec2017, lp(dash) lc(cranberry))
The command executed perfectly. However, I need to change the size of the y-axes since they get rendered in a font that I can only call humongous. Appending this works well for the date axis
xtitle(, size(small)) xlabel(,labsize(small))
But putting this only makes the size of one y-axis small
ytitle(, size(small)) ylabel(,labsize(small))
How do I get Stata to reduce the size of the other axis as well?

Thank you so much in advance!