I hope everything to work out well in your lives.

Here's the question: How can I draw histograms for each year around specific periods?

Data looks like:

FirmNo. Yr FDate PDate
002410 2010 20100120 20100221
002410 2011 20110121 20110222
002410 2012 20120124 20120222
002319 2010 20100127 20100219
002319 2011 20110124 20110220
002319 2012 20120119 20120222

When I make histogram, it shows whole period on x axis, so it is impossible for me to look at frequency of the dates (FDate and PDate each) that the firms make announcements.

I want the histogram each year to show certain periods only. (e.g. 20100101 ~ 20100228)

Thank you in advance, and please let me know if I have to give more information.