Hello everyone. I'm currently working in a paper which tries to find the effectiveness of the European Union on trade openness, and i'm using the synth command to do so. But, i'm also having problems with it, probaly because of the data even though i'm still new to the command.

First of all, every time i run it i get a "conformability error" in any possible way to execute synth, i've read on help that this has to do with the matrices having different shapes (and thus are not conformable), still no idea what it means tho.

Second, i have no idea what the "predictor balance" table is supposed to mean. Is it a way of comparing the real and synthetic cenarios and it's variables? If so i really think the variable "terras" (land area) isn't supposed to move so much (unless Germany would go all nazy again, lol). Is there a way to "force" the variable to like... not be a variable and stay at least close to what it should?

And finally, my pre-treatment synthetic estimation isn't as close to the real one as it should be (i think), or not as close as the "synth_smoking.dta" example is. Probaly related to the first or second problems.

I'm really close to the deadline so i need some quick and useful help. Any info that you guys need, just ask. I'll be paying close attention to this tread.

Thank you and please help!