I work with the pwt10.0 dataset and running the following fixed effects regression:
xtreg ln_y_pc_t2 s_n_c ln_y_pc_t1, fe vce(robust)
eststo first
predict F1_pc, xb
predict F2_pc, xbu
gen country_FE_pc = F2_pc - F1_pc + _b[_cons]
graph twoway (lfit country_FE_pc ln_y_pc_81) scatter country_FE_pc ln_y_pc_81, mlabel(countrycode) title("Country Fixed-Effects") subtitle("between 1981-2019") note("Source: Penn World Table version 10.00", size(5pt) pos(7)) ytitle("Country Fixed-Effects") xtitle("The natural logarithm of the Income per capita in 1971") legend(label(1 "linear prediction") label(2 "Country Fixed-Effects"))
My goal is now to plot the the country specific fixed effects (which is the constant plus the individual fixed effects). Now is my questions, how do I make sure, that the base-country (for which the constant is the country specific effect) is the base level in the plot too? Is there an opportunity to add this in my plot?

Here the plot for the command above:

Thanks in Advanced for your help.