Hi. I'm struggling to change the font of the x and y axes of a line graph. The following code changes the font of the labels, and the legend, but leaves the axis numbers in the default Arial. Thanks for any help.

 label var sm5_ex3_dent1 "{stSerif:NS Denials: Stricter}";
 label var sm5_ex3_dent2 "{stSerif:NS Denials: Less strict}";
 label var sm5_ex3_all "{stSerif:51 programs}";

 graph set window fontface stSerif;
 line sm5_ex3_dent1 sm5_ex3_dent2 sm5_ex3_all year_month,
      xtitle("{stSerif:Base month}") ytitle("{stSerif:Monthly job-finding rate}")
      lc(black black green)
      xlabel(708(12)743, format(%tmCCYY) notick) xtick(708(3)749, add)
      saving(fig2, replace);