Hello Everyone,
I am trying to create a 7-point scale for attitudes towards abortion for every decade using GSS from 1980 to 2021. So, the command I used for the 1980s is
gen scale_1980s= (abany*2 + abdefect*.3 + abnomore*1.5 + abhlth*.1 + abpoor*1.5 + abrape*.3 + absingle*1.3) if year==1980 | year==1982 | year==1983| year==1984 | year==1985 | year==1987 | year==1988 | year==1989
I have given values to each variable based on response frequency. If a variable has a higher response, it has lower values. For example, 81.94 percent supported abortion ofr rape (abrape). Thus, it has a value of 0.2.
Is this the correct way of doing it?
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