Hello everybody,

I fear I have a very basic questions and I hope this has not been asked (and answered) million times before.
If so, I apologize for spamming but I couldn't find it when searching the forum.

So, here it comes:
I would like to overlay two named graphs. I guess there is some general way how to do that in Stata but I couldn't find it. Something like the addplot()-option for stored/named graphs.

In particular, I would like to overlay two marginsplots after estimating regressions on two subsamples of the data.
Here's an example:

sysuse auto, clear

* Regression 1:
reg price mpg headroom if foreign==1
margins, by(turn)
marginsplot, name(reg1)

* Regression 2:
reg price mpg headroom if foreign==0
margins, by(turn)
marginsplot, name(reg2)
Maybe I should add that in my real application the two subsets are not mutually exclusive (I want to exclude a subset of the data in the second regression) so I can't just do it in one margins command (at least I think I can't).

Thanks a lot in advance!