Dear Statalist,

I want to combine in a single graph (image) several marginsplot done through contours plot using Stata 15. My problem is with the zlegend. After some search I have managed to erase it from each graph, but I would need the zlegend in the combined graph at position 6. Is there any easy way to do this?
This is the command for each graph
use predictions1, clear
rename _margin pr_innprod
twoway  (contour pr_innprod _at18 _at19, ccuts(0(0.05)1.0 )),  ///             
          xlabel(-6.16 (0.323) -1.32, labsize(vsmall))       ///                                        
          ylabel(0(0.1)1, angle(horizontal))       ///
    zlabel(0.3 (0.03) 1, angle(horizontal) labsize(vsmall))   ///
          xtitle("offshoring sectorial (% offshorer by sector)", size(small))                      ///                     
          ytitle("Internal R&D (as % of sales)", size(small))                      ///                     
          ztitle("Predicted probability of product innovation", size(small))         ///        
          title("Predicted probability of product innovation by internal R&D and sectoral offshoring", size(small))
graph save Graph "D:\damia\Dropbox\PhD\3er year\Tables\Paper\Principal\offshoring.gph", replace
Then I combine
graph combine "offshoring.gph" "collaboration.gph"
This is what I got
As you can see, zlegend is taking a lot of space from each graph, is there any way to put just a single zlegend in the combined graph at the botton (position 6)?

Thanks in advance, any help will be much appreciated.